Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giving Thanks

        Being grateful for our blessings is a way for us to keep in check the pleasure or fulfillment that these things bring to us . It is easy to get caught up in our daily routines, our minds all abuzz with "what's happening". Thanksgiving day is one day out of the year devoted to us keeping in check not just our own grace, but that of others as well. And that's okay. Some people need the reminder. And they should be grateful they get it. 
           I learned to be grateful early on. One of a large family, wedged in the middle of of a bunch of siblings, I developed my own style of quiet competitiveness.Without drawing attention to myself, I'd hummingly devise how to be the one who got the best seat in front of the T.V. But there are times when life just hands it to you. The proverbial golden goose has roosted in your door, and wonderful things happen without you even trying. Some people believe in miracles. Some people believe in luck. I believe it is all about timing, which would allow for either possibility.
           But it is this awesome opportunity of life itself that we ought to be most grateful for. Life offers us many days in which we can find any number of joys. And our minds are such wonders that they allow us to rationalize the not-so-good so that it doesn't seem so bad. We "learn from our mistakes" and squeeze our lemons for lemonade. It is easy to be grateful for the good, but the challenge is finding ways to be grateful for what may not initially brong us that sought-out joy.
             Whatever your leanings on the holiday meanings, remember your blessing in being alive to have experience of it. I hope you all enjoy all that you have. And I wish you many wonderful seasons to come!